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Fluency with Junie B!

Growing Independence and Fluency Lesson Design












By Elizabeth Bennett


Fluency in reading is the ability of the reader to automatically and involuntary recognize sight words. Fluency is necessary for students to excel in reading, because it allows for speed, expression, accuracy, and clarity. In order for students to become great readers, they must learn to read fluently. Repeated reading is the best way for readers to become fluent readers. In this lesson, students will learn how to gain fluency through timed repeated readings and utilizing an instructional level book. Repeated reading will be done first with a partner, and then with the teacher. Partners will be chosen based on similar reading levels. Assessments will be done through the fluency rubric.



  1. Class set of “Junie B. Jones is a Party Animal”

  2. Timer/stopwatch for each pair

  3. Cover-up critter for each student

  4. Copy of paired reading checklist/student reading progress checklist for each student

  5. Pencils

  6. Sample sentences for teacher to model



  1. Say: The best way to become really good at something is to practice over and over! For example, Dancers practice their turns over and over again so they perform amazing turns on stage! Today we are going to learn a big secret about how to become a great reader! Reading a book more than once is just like practicing over and over. This helps us become fluent in reading. Fluent means you can read fast and make fewer mistakes. Its easier because you already know what the words mean. Reading out loud will sound smoother and it lets you add expression!

  2. Say: What decoding strategy do you use when you do not know a word? That’s right, we can use a cover up critter! [Model how you would use the cover up critter]. First lets look at the vowel. It says /A/, now lets look at the first letter, /b/. What sound do the first two letters make? That’s right: ba. Now, lets look at what sound the last two letters make. That’s right: by. Now lets put those two sounds together: ba-by. [Write the sentence on the board: “I am going to go play with my friends today]. I am g-going to go pl-ay with my f-fr-fr-iends today. How did that sound? Not very good right? Did I read it smoothly? Did it flow? Did I have expression when reading? No. Let me try again. I am going to play with my friends today. How did it sound this time? Good! It sounded smooth and there was expression. This is an example of how fluent readers read a sentence.

  3. Say: Now we are going to practice our fluency while we read a book called Junie B. Jones is a Party Animal. This book is about a girl named Junie B. Jones.  Junie B. goes on a new adventure to a sleepover with her friend Lucille. Berfore she is able to go to the sleepover, she has to learn all the rules of the sleepover. But Junie B. gets pretty wild!! Will Junie B. remember the sleepover rules? Will she be a party animal? Lets find out! I am going to read some of the story to you, and I want you to notice how I use fluent reading. Listen carefully! [Read 3 pages of chapter one].  

  4.  Say: Now I want each of you to read by yourself until the end of page 7.

  5. Say: Now I am going to assign each of you a reading partner. You will practice fluent reading by reading out loud with your partner. Please do repeated readings of pages 4 and 5. [Assign students to a partner with a similar reading levels. Encourage students to find a spot in the room with their partner]. I will give each one of you a checklist. Pick which one of you will read first while the other one is listening. The reader will read the section two more times. During the second and third time, the listener should listen for these things: Does your partner remember the words? Did your partner read smoother than last time? The partner will complete the paired reading checklist on the top of the page. Then, it’s your partners turn. So do the same thing just switch roles! [Walk around to make sure everyone is filling out the charts right].

  6. Say: I am going to call each one of you to my desk to read to me. You will read the same section to me three times and I will time you. I will ask you a question about what you read. Make sure to bring your checklist when you come up to my desk. I will assess student’s reading progress by WPM formula to complete the student reading progress checklist. I will check their reading comprehension by asking basic questions from the text. I will check for miscues and correct them with cover ups. I will praise and encourage the students.




Paired reading checklist:

Reader: __________________ Listener: __________________ Date: __________________

          I noticed that my partner: (Put a check in the blank) 

                                                         After 2nd reading                    After 3rd reading 

          Read Smoother                            ________                                ________ 

          Read with expression                   ________                                ________ 

          Remember more words                ________                                ________

          Read faster                                 ________                                ________


Student Reading Progress Checklist

Reader: ___________________________

Total number of words in the chapter: ______

Checker: __________________________

1: ___ Words x 60 in ___ seconds = ________ WPM

2: ___ Words x 60 in ___ seconds =_________WPM

3: ___ Words x 60 in ___ seconds =_________WPM

Which turn sounded smooth? _______

Which turn had the less amount of errors? ______

Does the reader comprehend the meaning of the text? ________


1. Why did Junie B. Jones go over to Lucille's house?

2. Who are Junie B. Jones friends?

3. What problem occurred at the sleepover? 





Allison Diamond, Skipping into Fluency with Junie B. Jones.

Park, Barbara., and Denise Brunkus. Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal. Random House, 1997. 

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